Ah, the gifts of entrepreneurship!
Creative freedom, abundant prosperity, embodied values, joyful sovereignty…
Serving the community of your heart…
The delight of bringing a radiant vision into pulsing life…
For visionary, creatively ambitious, entrepreneurial women, there are few things more joyously exciting than dreaming a world-changing dream, and co-creating it with the soul of your business.
Your business, born from your joy and your profound desire to serve, has flourished because it provides true nourishment for everyone in its realm — including you, your staff, and your customers. You tend to it with loving care, skill and devotion, and your world responds with delight, support and devotion in return.
And yet… the past few years has stamped fracture, vulnerability & profound uncertainty into all our lives.
Whether your business has prospered, just-about survived, or was flattened by the events of the few years, one thing is certain: the world in which it exists has changed, fundamentally.
The speed and urgency with which you’ve had to meet these changes may have left you breathless, overwhelmed, uncertain of the ground under your feet. It’s not clear to us what the future holds, or how we can plan to meet it with power, joy and a sense of our own agency.
We are not victims of circumstance here; we can respond to a changing world with vision, power and fortitude.
As women leaders, as entrepreneurs whose livelihood depends on our creativity and ability to innovate, we will not simply wait for the winds to change direction. We rely on the gifts of our souls, and on the worlds we have built in our businesses, to craft a way forward, to discern and activate the pathways that will lead us to a renewed vision of what our businesses can be.
It’s time for a renaissance — of your soul, of your business.
The scorched-earth of cleansing fire is fertile ground for the seeds of opportunity to take root and flourish.
We have entered sacred, liminal space, the in-between where the past no longer grips us in the vice of what we’ve already imagined and created, and the future is an open meadow, to be planted with our vision and nurtured with our efforts.
This is a time of grace, when we ask ourselves these fundamental questions:
What really matters to me now? In the wake of so much upheaval, what remains true and essential, in my life? In the life of my business?
Are the people and causes my business has served, and the ways in which we have served them, still beckoning my heart? Or are we being called to a new vision — more whole, expansive, and sustainable, truer to the needs of our world?
What does real love, intimacy, and responsive relationship with every element of my business feel like? How will such relationships transform my business this year?
These and other deeply intentional questions will take your hand and lead you to the heart of discovery, of what awaits you when the past becomes mulch for the seeds of the future.
Replenish: An Business Alchemy Mastermind
A 5-week Mastermind — just you and your business — to revitalize your relationship, and renew the sweet wellspring of love between you.
A 5-week Mastermind — just you and your business — to revitalize your relationship, and renew the wellspring of love between you.
Whether you are in the early years of your business’s life; have a business that is experiencing unprecedented growth; or are the founder and CEO of a mature, highly successful business, this immersion will help you clarify and update your real values, examine how they show up in each aspect of your business, and bring every aspect of your business into harmony with your soul’s purposes, your most honest desires for your own life, and your vision for what you want to offer your world.

During this mastermind, we will explore two significant questions:
Replenish: An Autumn Business Alchemy Mastermind

First: What is the single biggest challenge you and your business face right now? What is the unmet need that underlies this challenge? Only skillful, compassionate, direct inquiry will reveal the truth.
And the truth will unfurl miraculous opportunities.
Second: As you embrace this challenge as a gift from your business, what opportunities reveal themselves? Opportunities to build on the foundation of your business to expand into more prosperity, spaciousness, new possibilities, and creative freedom.
Through live teachings, expert mentoring, skilled support, and co-creative community, you’ll discover, and create a plan to meet your business’s greatest challenge and opportunity.
Whether it’s to:
Understand and respond to the changing needs of your community with offers that are both magnetic and deeply nourishing
Simplify and refine your signature offers so you, your business, and your community can flourish
Develop systems and processes to deliver a truly valuable customer experience
Transform decision fatigue and overwhelm into clarity and aligned action
Hire and fund the support that protects your genius and that of your business
Pivot to a new, more harmoniously wholesome and sustainable business model
Or something else entirely…
You’ll enjoy a unique blend of live teaching, mentoring, support and community to revitalize your relationship with your business, revealing both its greatest challenges and its luminous potential for growth, connection, profitability and service.
Through a 5-week mastermind, I will offer teachings from my 20 years of entrepreneurial experience, and guide you through energy alchemy processes and practical business know-how to transform your relationship with some of the most common areas of challenge in relationship with your business:
Your relationship with boundaries and profitability
Your relationship with systems and processes
Your relationship with marketing and communication
Your relationship with personal sustainability and joy
Your relationship with the soul of your business
By the end of our five weeks together, you will have a clear picture of the world of your business—both as it exists right now, and as you envision it to be by the end of next year.
You will have clarified and addressed the main challenge in your business, and have a plan for how to move forward with it.
You’ll use the work you do during the five weeks as a road map for making informed choices over the next year about one or more of these granular areas in your business:
Whom you serve and how you connect with your community
What business model aligns with your values and strengths
How you determine which products and services to create next for your customers
How you market and sell your offers
How you create a customer experience of belonging, safety, integrity and trust
How you price your offers
How you manage money, time, space and energy
How you hire and nurture team members
How you shape a business culture that is wholesome, sustainable and profitable
How you craft boundaries to create safety, stability and profitability in your business
How you access courage, embrace uncertainty, befriend risk, make soul-aligned decisions
How you harmonize self-care, soul-care, care for your own life and that of your staff, colleagues, customers, and community
The Doors to Replenish will open again in Autumn 2024
What you’ll receive:
Five weeks of training, mentoring & support:
Live teachings, guided meditations, and supported practices to clarify your vision, for yourself and your business, assess where your business is now and develop a plan to get to where you want to be this year.
Program Schedule:
Via Zoom
In Replenish, I’ve crafted a container that is both structured, grounded and practical, and flexible enough so we can address what emerges through our collective discoveries during the weeks.
All LIVE sessions will be recorded and the recordings made available to you so you can listen to them later, if you cannot attend synchronously.
We’ll begin with a 7 day self study course attuning the relationship between you and the Soul of your business. I’ll lead you through an energy alchemy practice and experience to revitalize your relationship and to renew the profound love and devotion between you.
During this time you will dream with your Business Deva to arrive at a vision of what you both want your business to be, and how you want to bring that vision to life this year. You will craft a vividly realized story that will help guide the exploration into the world of your business that you’ll begin on the mentoring.
Week 1
The character of your business
Why your business exists
What are the values and beliefs you and your ideal clients hold dear
Establish the style of your communication and language
Week 2
Create your business emporium
What is the experience you are creating for your client?
Who are the people who live in and maintain your business?
Who is your ideal client on a soul level?
Week 3
Aesthetics of your business
How do you treat people in your business?
What is the ambience that will draw your yes client to you?
What are the systems and processes that you will use to ensure you deliver on outcomes?
Week 4
Your Business Economy
How do your ideal clients enter, transition and leave your business?
What are your income streams?
The emotional economy of joy and happiness
Week 5
Your Soul Offers
How are your offers and services planned and implemented?
How to co-create your transformational offer with the Soul of your business.
How to grow your business and grow yourself
By this end of the mastermind, the landscape of your business could transform entirely, or simply shift into a profound sense of alignment in which opportunities and experiences arise in seemingly miraculous ways.
We offer a 7 day refund from date of purchase on this unique opportunity,
The Doors to Replenish will open again in Autumn 2024

"I felt that my business had become disjointed. I was doing and trying too many different things in my networking and marketing efforts, and really wanted to streamline and simplify my business.
I was intrigued by the concept of my business having a soul, and I wanted to learn how to understand what business would look like if I made the soul of my business its foundation. It seemed that in doing so I would have a clear idea what services truly fit in my business, how they fit, and how I should market them and grow my business in a more balanced and simplified way.
I loved the video modules and our calls. The content blew me away and your expertise was WAY beyond where I imagined it would be. To be clear, I knew you were an expert at what you did, but the true depth of it truly impressed me.
I'm still implementing and processing the information. However, I've been practising "communicating" with the soul of my business every day and I have had an extremely creative period of time where I've created two new offers that expand my work in a completely different way. Because of that, I feel like I'm really positioned to stand out from my competition, and know how to talk about my core strengths and services in a much more effective way.
I think this deeper foundation and tapping into my unique strengths will help me grow a WAY more consistent, profitable, and aligned business. That's my highest goal, so I can see that bringing me a lot of satisfaction, content, and peace."
Dana Owens
Next Level Copy
How do I know if this program is right for me?
If you’ve read this far, you’ll have a felt sense, in your body, that this immersion feels like home for you. You’ll feel a sense of refuge, sanctuary, homecoming. If you don’t feel these things, then this immersion isn’t right for you at this time. As for where you are in the life-cycle of your business: You are the founder/CEO of an established business with a track record of generating revenue and providing value for your customers. You know your brand, are clear on the “why” “what” and “how” of your offerings, and have an online presence that is uniquely yours. Your customers love you, love what you stand for and what you offer. You are focused, creatively ambitious, committed to a vision that serves and blesses your world. You have the desire, resources and capacity to act on the discoveries you’ll make during this immersion, to implement your plans and take action to re-vision and re-vitalize your business in the year ahead. Last but by no means least, you and your business are grounded in the soul-essentials: integrity, openness, creativity, impeccability, community, and a heart of service.
What is the program like?
This mastermind offers a rare opportunity to step back and take a forensic look at the existing state of your business. You’ll review and re-vision every aspect of the world of your business, and get clear about the steps you’ll take for your business to thrive this year. Our explorations will be guided by love and truth, and anchored in strategic action to implement the plans you make during our week together. This immersion invites you to be both powerful and vulnerable, creatively playful, honest with yourself, and generous with others in our circle. It calls for your loving engagement and presence.
What can I expect to accomplish within the mastermind?
You will have the opportunity to be mentored by me, to transform your most challenging issue. I’m a synthesizer; I’m curious about many different fields and draw from a wide variety of experiences, knowledge and understanding. When I’m teaching and mentoring, I see patterns, trends, and emergent possibilities and translate these into concrete strategies for growing your business and your own leadership capacities (the two always happen in tandem). We’ll work with my signature blend of business knowledge and strategies, energy alchemy practices, and soul-sourced allyship. The results might look like: Mapping out your marketing plan for the year Revising and refreshing your business model so it serves your life, your desires, and the community that you wish to gather around you now Simplifying your offers and crafting a signature offer to meet your financial goals and serve your soul’s purposes Hiring the right support to grow your business with greater ease, protect your own creativity, which is your business’s greatest asset, and create a business culture that invites each member of your team to express and contribute their own genius Alchemizing fear, procrastination, overwhelm, decision-making fatigue and other gremlins that show up when you consciously create the next iteration of your business Whatever your specific challenges are, you’ll have ample opportunity to transform them through the teachings, practices, and community that will gather together in this heightened energetic container.
When does the programme start and finish?
Replenish commenses on Monday 8th January. The live sessions commence on Tuesday 8th January for five weeks and will be held at 11.00 am UK (London) time.
I can't make it to some of the live sessions. Will I still benefit from this mastermind?
All of the live sessions will be recorded, and posted on a private members area of the website. If you’re in a time zone that doesn’t work for particular sessions, or if your schedule doesn’t allow you to attend some of the live sessions, you’ll be able to listen to the audio and/or video recordings. At the end of the mastermind, you will have lifetime access to the call recordings, so you can download and/or re-listen to the audio recordings at your convenience.
Do you offer refunds?
We offer a 7 day refund period from day of purchase.