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Writer's pictureFay Semple

3P's of a soul-led life

I've learnt over the years that there is an intimate relationship between people, purpose and place. I like to call these the 3 P's. This relationship is both physical and metaphysical, and worth exploring. It is also a relationship that was centred in ancient wisdom and understood as the foundation on which to build thriving societies.

So what do I mean by the 3 P's of people, purpose and place?

Firstly, you have a unique personality and personhood comprised of your body, mind and soul. Secondly, you have a soul purpose which you bring to life through your creations and achievements, and thirdly, you do this from the places where you live and work.

In other words is all about doing the right thing, in the right place at the right time.

I think of the 3 P's at their core as nested energy ecologies, they are independent and yet together and they create something much bigger than the sum of their parts. The 3 P's are a generative and creative partnership that enables the energy blueprint of both physical and non-physical concepts to be birthed into the 3D world.

Put simply, you are a person with goals and dreams that stem from your soul purpose. Your soul needs you to transform this purpose from a desire into something tangible thats makes an impact in the real world. For example, maybe you have a soul mission to bring joy to the world and through your unique personhood and character music is the mechanism through which you feel called to achieve this. You cannot possibly hope to do so unless you learn to compose, sing or play an instrument. And this music would be unique to you, it will be your soul music.

Becoming a musician is the embodiment of your soul's purpose. You cannot be a musician without a body, and music cannot be created without a body, mind and soul as the driving force.

So where does the third p, or place, come into the equation?

Well, you have to live somewhere while you do your soul's work. And we need to be in the right place to accomplish this to maximum effect. If you lived in the middle of a desert without a living soul for miles around and made music, would that bring joy to the world? No doubt creating music with no audience would still bring you joy, but it wouldn't make a wider impact if there is no one there to hear it. It would be much better to go to a place that has music written into its soul, such as Memphis.

If you believe that the purpose of your music is to help others, by bringing them joy and helping them through pain, then having an audience is part of the deal. Playing small does not serve you in following your soul's path, nor does it serve the people whose joy will be enhanced, and whose pain will be dissolved by listening to your melodies. The best place to embody your purpose is in a place whose spirit has the energy to fully support you in your endeavours.

In summary, our purpose, our personhood, and our place are all bound together in a threefold symbiotic mutually beneficial relationship.

While many people focus on their mental, spiritual and emotional well-being through self-care and spiritual development, the importance of place is often overlooked in modern society. Ancient practices such as Feng Shui speak to us of an understanding that place is important, and any work you do to heal and harmonise the energy in your home or wider landscape is a good thing, but the relationship we have with place runs much deeper.

I believe we have forgotten the depth of our connection, and that this is largely due to the advancements made in infrastructure. If we are cold we have heating, we have an instant supply of clean water just by turning on the tap. In general, homes are well-made and sturdy and can withstand adverse weather conditions. In creating buildings that keep us safe and healthy, we have forgotten our spiritual relationship with nature. We have lost contact with the Spirit of place and in doing we're not utilising an incredible source of energy to raise not only our vibe but the collective frequency of humanity.

Our secular places where we live and work have become simply just that, places where we live and work. We see nothing sacred in our relationship with them. An office is just an office But I believe we're missing an important understanding that place is the stage on which the play of our lives unfolds. Our role within that story is woven together by our presence, our words and our actions.

These actions are an expression of the natural talents and gifts we bring to the world. There is no greater joy than our work being an expression of these talents, in service to others. Whereas work was once those activities that we engaged in to sustain ourselves and our communities, and was geographically aligned with the natural resources present to fulfill that work, What do I mean y that? Very simply if we want to plant crops, we don't try to do that on a rocky mountainside. We built our mills next to rivers for their power or had windmills where we could catch the prevailing wind. Location mattered. It has been related to the purchase of our time in which we undertake tasks and activities as dictated by someone else.

As work has become mechanised and modernised, and become often simply an exchange between money and our willingness to do what we're instructed, we have lost our sacred connection to work itself, and works connection to place. Now I'm not suggesting we need to return to a pre-industrial society, but I am suggesting we would benefit from still considering landscape energy in our lives as a source of support,

There is of course a difference in the energy of secular and saced spaces. How many of you have visited a site of spiritual or religious significance and felt your spirits lift, or a sense of deep connection to source, or divinity? I'm willing to bet you wouldn't get this feeling at your local supermarket.

This difference lies not only in the purpose for which we use these spaces, but also in their location. Secular spaces of villages and towns arose due to their access to life-sustaining natural resources: food; water; and other materials. Sacred spaces arose due to our innate sense that certain places are special, they have a different quality that does more than meet our basic needs, they meet our soul's need for divine connection to something more than ourselves.

This is born out of research that shows that sacred sites have electromagnetic fields (EMF) of energy that differ from secular spaces. These raised levels of EMF are created by the geology itself and results in us experiencing these places very differently. The changes in the earth's natural energy alter our neurochemistry and our perception of reality.

Both secular and sacred spaces have powerful but different roles in helping nuture our body and spirit so we can successfully embody our soul purpose. We can receive divine inspiration at sacred sites, but we act upon that inspiration in our secular spaces. They exist together in a continual feedback loop.

This deep realisation has the power to change your life. You have everything at your fingertips to live a life of joy, value, fulfilment and service as a gift. Landscape offers you the gifts of inspiration, action and sustenance.

I'll leave you with a soul inquiry question: What do I want to create in my life and how is this place supporting me in that creative process?

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